Sunflowers Paper Bouquet

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The perfect pick-me-up for any art-loving friend or family member! This paper bouquet is based on van Gogh's masterpiece Sunflowers and requires no cutting or folding or gluing; simply open the envelope and push on the sides to pop the bouquet into full bloom, then lock into place with a small cardboard key. Want to give it as a gift? Simply turn the packaging inside out, and voila! It's a gift envelope with detachable note card. Assembled bouquet measures 10 inches high.

Recommended for ages 8+

Why We Love It

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." We truly believe that play is essential at every age. It keeps us socially active, intellectually curious, mentally alert and physically flexible...and it's so much fun! Our Young at Heart department has games, puzzles, building sets and craft kits aimed at inspiring play in teens and adults.